We Did a Consumer Trial - Here are the Results

We Did a Consumer Trial - Here are the Results

In January, we recruited 112 participants to take part in a consumer trial with our best-selling blood sugar hero, Metabolic Fix. We wanted to get feedback on their experience of the product, and we’re so excited to share the results.   

First, a little bit about the trial design.  

This was a single cohort trial using weekly questionnaires to provide self-reported feedback on qualitative measures like energy, cravings, appetite, sleep and more. This means we only looked at one group of people, and everyone got the supplement. We didn’t give any nutrition advice and there was no personal interaction with consumers during the trial to ensure the only changes they experienced were from the supplement, not from coaching or dietary changes. We sent a questionnaire prior to starting the supplement to get baseline assessments of their health, and they received weekly surveys to fill in for four weeks. Finally, the trial only included women aged 30-60, who weren’t taking any blood sugar lowering medications nor had been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. 

Why we did it.  

Dysregulated blood sugar, whether from excess sugar, lack of protein, or chronic stress, is one of the biggest threats to our health right now. From type 2 diabetes, obesity, infertility and cardiovascular disease to depression, chronic inflammation and certain types of cancers, excess sugar consumption is consistently and unquestionably linked to the rising number of chronic health issues and lifestyle diseases globally. It’s not just the future-you that may be affected by poor blood sugar control; fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, mood swings, impaired immunity, skin problems and insomnia are some of the day-to-day manifestations of blood sugar dysregulation. We all know that the more sugar we eat, the more we crave; add this to low levels of chromium intake – an essential mineral for blood sugar regulation – and the impact that stress can have on blood sugar levels, sometimes getting a hold of this cycle can be challenging. Supporting healthy blood sugar control can be transformative, and not just to our cravings; it can improve energy, emotional wellbeing, sleep, digestion and more, which is why making it a focus can be so impactful to overall wellbeing.  

Here’s what we looked at. 

Our main aim was to gather feedback on how Metabolic Fix influenced energy, appetite, and sweet cravings. But, because many of the ingredients in Metabolic Fix work across multiple systems, we also wanted to see if anyone experienced improvements in other areas of their health too. Because of this, we also included questions on sleep quality, mood, digestion and more.  

Here were the quickest changes -  

  • 94% reported a reduction in sweet cravings after one week 
  • 87% reported an improvement in appetite regulation after one week   
  • 71% reported a reduction in irritability after one week  

By the end of the trial, consumers also noticed these changes: 

  • 93% reported an improvement in overall energy, with 83% specifically calling out an improvement in evening energy and 75% calling out an improvement in the ‘mid-afternoon slump’ 
  • 73% reported an improvement in gut discomfort  
  • 71% reported a reduction in feelings of anxiousness
  • 58% reported an improvement in satisfaction with their weight  
  • 31% reported an improvement in their quality of sleep 

These results show how powerful small changes can be to not just our cravings and appetite but to our overall health, and we couldn't be happier with the results. 

How to take it.  

Take two capsules daily in the morning with water. We recommend taking it for a minimum of three months for the desired effect, and if you’d like to learn more about how to support healthy blood sugar levels through nutrition whilst using Metabolic Fix, check out our blog here. To subscribe and save 20%, click here.  


Disclaimer: The information is presented in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any medical or psychological conditions. The information is not intended as medical advice, nor should it replace the advice from a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Please do not stop, adjust, or modify your dose of any prescribed medications without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner. 



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