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Pre-natal and pregnancy nutrition can be confusing, so we created this guide to remove the guesswork and give you up to date, evidence-based guidelines to help you feel confident in what to eat and why. We cover blood sugar management in pregnancy, gut health, essential nutrients and where to get them, protein
requirements, vegetarian considerations during pregnancy, exercise guidelines, herbal remedies for common pregnancy complaints, and the important of oxidative stress in fertility. We also provide over 50 of our favourite nutrient dense recipes to support your reproductive health.
This e-book provides pre-natal and pregnancy nutrient needs and nutrition guidance to help optimise fertility, maternal health and foetal development.
We cover how caloric requirements change throughout the trimesters, healthy weight gain in pregnancy, and the risks associated with both inadequate and excess weight gain. As calorie requirements vary drastically between individuals due to height, muscle mass, level of activity and more we don’t recommend exact calorie counts for each trimester.
There is no guaranteed cure for morning sickness, however following the nutritional guidelines will help you do what you can to limit nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. It will also teach you about natural, herbal and supplemental approaches to combatting morning sickness, reflux, constipation, and more.
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