7 Easy Blood Sugar Hacks To Improve Your Diet

7 Easy Blood Sugar Hacks To Improve Your Diet

From mood swings and depression to constant cravings and lethargy, imbalanced blood sugar levels have a myriad of ramifications. As a hot topic of conversation in the wellness space during the past year, much has been said about the importance of eating a balanced diet that’s rich in fibre, protein and whole foods, while avoiding those that are sugary, refined and ultra-processed for optimal blood sugar balance. But there are also a number of daily hacks that can help you manage them. Here they are:


Start with vegetables 

The “veggie starter” – where you prioritise eating vegetables before you start the rest of your meal – might be all over social media, but it’s also a habit that’s rooted in science. One study, which examined the differences in the insulin and blood sugar levels of 18 healthy young women when they ate both carbohydrates and vegetables at different speeds over the course of a few days, found that blood sugar levels were significantly lower when veg was consumed first, regardless of how quickly they ate. The fibre in vegetables helps slow the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, which prevents a blood sugar spike and then the inevitable plunge on the other side. Try it next time.


Take Chromium

Chromium is a trace element that helps regulate carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism through its potentiation of insulin. It’s best known for its role in blood sugar regulation, so can be a great way to support healthy carbohydrate metabolism and banish cravings. It is found in both plant and animal sources; the best sources include broccoli, oats, barley, tomatoes, mushrooms, green beans, and lean beef, but for more serious support, consider adding a supplemental support, like Metabolic Fix or Advanced Multi-Nutrient.


Take a post-meal walk

It might not always be the first thing you want to do, but taking a walk once you’ve eaten has been shown to have a significant effect on moderating blood sugar levels. You don’t have to be climbing mountains or pacing around for hours, either. A meta-analysis of seven different studies in Sports Medicine found that even two to five minutes of light walking after a meal can help balance blood sugar levels. So make it your mission to get up and take a walk after every meal, dinner included, even if it’s just around the block.


Reduce environmental cues

Research has revealed that food advertising has a profound influence in activating automatic eating behaviours. Continuous exposure to sugar-rich foods through platforms like Instagram, TV, mobile advertisements, or even in supermarkets weakens the brain's impulse control, and let's face it, having junk in the house only makes it harder to resist. To stop environmentally-induced sugar cravings, consider refining your online experience by minimising exposure to indulgent food content on social media. Creating a sugar-free environment at home is the best way to set yourself up for success. Removing candies, biscuits, chocolates and other high-sugar foods can make all the difference to your resolve, adhering to the adage: out of sight, out of mind.


Incorporate apple cider vinegar into your meals

Whether taken mixed with water each morning or blended into your meals, apple cider vinegar is antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial and can help with digestion, blood pressure and weight management, not to mention that daily consumption has been shown to have beneficial effects in controlling blood glucose in those suffering from type 2 diabetes. It works brilliantly in dressings, sauces and marinades, or take a tablespoon in a glass of water first thing, making sure to clean your teeth afterwards to prevent tooth enamel erosion.


Start your day with protein 

Don’t underestimate the power of starting your day right. When it comes to your blood sugar levels, that means eating a well-balanced breakfast. Make sure you incorporate plenty of protein (around 30g if you’re a woman), fibre, fats and low GI carbohydrates, such as whole grains – our Tofu Scramble is delicious and couldn’t be easier to make.


Stay hydrated

The more hydrated you are, the more balanced your blood sugar levels will be – that’s because passing more urine also means escorting excess sugar out of the body. Electrolytes are the unsung hero of our metabolism, and help our bodies regulate the balance of fluids in and out of our cells. Magnesium and potassium are both important electrolytes, however a large proportion of the Western population is lacking them. As well as increasing potassium-rich foods, like avocados, leafy greens, lentils, tomatoes, oranges, courgettes, pumpkin, carrots and bananas, we recommend trying electrolytes. Add 1tsp of Cellular Hydration to 500ml of cold water to restore hydration and support energy, metabolism and nervous system function.



Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any medical or psychological conditions. The information is not intended as medical advice, nor should it replace the advice from a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Please do not stop, adjust, or modify your dose of any prescribed medications without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner.

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