Rhian's Round Up: November

Rhian's Round Up: November

The holidays are coming in hot...

...or cold, depending on how you look at it. For most of us, December isn't really about setting big goals, it's about enjoyment, friends, family and reflecting on the year we've just had. At the moment, I'm really trying to prioritise keeping my immune system strong (especially with a toddler and a 6-month-old at home!) and get through the last few big projects before the office gets quiet for Christmas. This past month has been amazing for so many reasons; the team and I have been working hard on some new products (teaser inside!) and have secured some major new retailers which, for a small brand, is next-level exciting - we'll be sharing more on this soon. We've also had incredible press from the likes of the Financial Times, Sheerluxe and Vogue, and are gearing up for some activations in the new year. As you know, we recently closed the Membership while we endeavour to find a more user-friendly and accessible means of sharing our recipes and nutrition principles with you, but in the interim - we have something new in nutrition coming your way soon. We will keep you updated with any changes as they happen and are so appreciative of all your support and feedback.

I loved writing this month's round-up and, as always, I hope you love it too. 

Wishing you the best in health and a happy December,

Rhian x

Watch this space: New year, new products.  

I love developing new products, and I’m so excited to let you know that next week, we’re dropping a brand-new supplement. I’m SO excited about this product because of its incredible systemic benefits. From digestive, metabolic and sexual health to immunity, inflammation and skin - it literally ticks all the boxes. But that’s not all; we also have some new nutrition news coming soon – so stay tuned over the next few weeks to find out more! 

Get these: Bala Bangles 

I’ve become that girl who wears ankle weights when she walks. And I love it. My workout schedule is not what I’d like it to be these days, so whacking on a pair of Bala Bangles to add a little oomph to my day has been surprisingly impactful. They’re incredibly versatile, so can also be used for arms, Pilates and barre workouts at home, and they make great stocking stuffers for any of your friends and family. 

Product I’m loving: Cellular Defence  

I’ve been talking about Cellular Defence a lot over the last few weeks because it’s probably the most important supplement – aside from Essential D3/K2 - for this time of year. The best way to take immune support is proactively and getting sick over the holiday period is all too common, so I started taking it about a month ago and am really feeling the benefits. Because it contains Astragalus, it also doubles as an adaptogen for stress, mood and energy.  


Make this: Spiced cookies 

Maisie loves baking, so it’s forcing me to stay creative in the kitchen in order to nourish her excitement about food whilst keeping it healthy. Enter our ginger oat cookies – super quick, super easy, and full of phytonutrients. Maisie loves the heat from the ginger and calls them her spicy cookies, but if you (or your child) don’t like ginger, then you can swap it out for more cinnamon.  


  • 1.5 cups gluten-free jumbo oats + 2 tbsp  

  • 5 tbsp chickpea flour  

  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds 

  • 1 tsp baking soda  

  • 1 ½ tsp ground ginger  

  • 1 tsp cinnamon  

  • ¼ tsp allspice  

  • 1 tsp vanilla 

  • 120 ml coconut oil, at room temperature  

  • 5 tbsp maple syrup – these are not super sweet, so you can increase to 6 tbsp if you’d prefer 

  • 4 tbsp unsweetened oat, soy or almond milk  

  • 1.5-2 tbsp raw cacao powder 

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil  

  • Pinch of maple syrup 


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°F.

  2. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and mix. Add the milk, maple syrup and vanilla and mix to combine. Add the coconut oil and use your hands to work through the mixture until it comes together.

  3. Roll the mixture into balls and slightly flatten onto a baking tray. Bake for about 12 minutes, or until golden. Remove from oven and let cool.

  4. To make the drizzle, melt the coconut oil gently in a non-stick pan and transfer to a bowl. Add the cacao and maple and whisk until combined. Have a taste and adjust. I’ll be honest – I eyeball this one. Sometimes it’s a little more cacao, and sometimes it’s a little less, so you can also use your favourite low-sugar dark chocolate instead.

  5. Drizzle over the cookies and enjoy. 

Use this: healthy holiday hack

Over the next few weeks as your social diary gets busier, how you start your day will become more important. So many of you ask me how to stay balanced throughout the festive period, and the key is – as usual – balanced blood sugar. The good news – if you front-load your day with healthier meals and habits, you’ll get to your festivities feeling more balanced, confident and in control, so aim to make all your breakfasts rich in fat, fibre, protein and vegetables. Vegetables at breakfast mean you’re hitting plant diversity (for your gut), phytonutrients (for your immune system), and fibre (for satiety) - all before noon. The fat and protein will balance mood, energy and appetite, and you’ll just feel better overall. This is the opposite of what people usually do, which is trying to restrict food in the day to ‘save up’ and counteract an evening out, but this approach usually leads to feeling more out of control, anxious, and not to mention – hungry all day.  

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