Vendor Code of Conduct


The policy laid out herein is intended as a set of guiding principles to help you as you work with us whether that is full time, part time, or temporary.

What is our policy about?

Artah Nutrition limited and all its subsidiaries (Artah Nutrition ltd, Artah ltd, Grass Roots Nutrition ltd) are committed to fair and honest business practices. The supplier Code of Conduct outlines the main principles Artah adheres to and expects all its business partners providing goods or services to Artah to comply with. We also believe that it’s the responsibility of our direct partners to ensure that their sub- contractors and suppliers do business with the highest business and ethical standards.

Human Principles

  1. Human Rights

We are committed to upholding universal rights. Artah Nutrition prohibits the following practices and will not knowingly do business with any individual or company that participates in the following practices:

  • Exploitation of children, including but not limited to child labour
  • Physical punishment and all forms of human abuse
  • Forced or compulsory labour
  • Unlawful discrimination in employment and occupation
  1. Modern Slavery

We have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of slavery. We expect our suppliers to comply with the requirements set out in this code related to human rights

  1. Anti Harassment and Ant-Discrimination

Artah strives for its workplace to be inclusive and free of discrimination and harassment based on sex, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, disability, age, gender, ancestry, sexual orientation, veteran status, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law. Artah suppliers must not discriminate any of the above.

Labour Principles

  1. Child Labour

Artah prohibits employment of children in any form. Suppliers shall not employ anyone under the local legal age limit or the age of 15, whichever is greater, to produce goods or perform services for Artah. Any employment of minors must be in strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Forced Labour

Artah prohibits any form of forced or prison labour. Under no circumstances may Artah partners use forced labour or work with any individual or a company that uses forced labour.

  1. Working conditions

Artah business partners must provide and maintain healthy working conditions, in particular ensuring, as far as reasonably practicable, that:

  • Workplaces are kept in clean and safe conditions
  • Work equipment is provided and maintained in safe conditions
  • Working places are safe
  1. Wages and Hours

Artah business partners must ensure that their employees are paid in a timely manner in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Working hours and overtime payment must be set up in full accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Artah encourages its business partners to limit overtime as much as possible

Environmental Principles

Artah business partners must conduct their business in accordance with applicable laws and regulation related to the environment protection.

Compliance Principles

  1. Laws and Regulations

Artah business partners must always act in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as well as all applicable industry standards.

  1. Anti-Bribery and Anti-Harassment

Artah business partners must act in accordance with applicable anti-bribery and anti- corruption laws and regulations, including but not limited to FCPA and UKBA. Under no circumstances may business partners engage in any kind of corrupt practices, whether it’s public or commercial bribery. All business partners corporate records must be transparent and accurate.

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