6 Signs You May Need a Metabolic Makeover

6 Signs You May Need a Metabolic Makeover

When people think of metabolism it’s often through the lens of weight, but our metabolic health is all encompassing. Defined, metabolic health is a term we use to describe how we create and process energy. More specifically, it encompasses all of the chemical reactions that take the food and fluid we consume to create, use and store energy in to maintain our biological processes. Our metabolic health shows up in almost every area of our body, from mood, energy and cognition, to gut health, sleep and immunity. When our metabolic health is firing – we are energetic, mentally sharp, have immune resilience and are able to maintain a healthy body weight. When our metabolic health starts to slide, we can start to experience symptoms in these key areas.  If you’re feeling sluggish, battling weight gain, feeling ‘inflamed’ or just noticing unusual symptoms, it may be time to consider a metabolic makeover. Here are some of the classic signs that your metabolism needs a makeover. 


Poor recovery is one of the tell-tale signs that something’s not working for you. Do a quick check in to see if you’re overtraining (sometimes a rest day is just what you need), but if not, then chronic inflammation, relative nutrition deficiencies and elevated cortisol could be contributors.   


Our stress response is a wonderful thing. It helps us respond in the most challenging and dangerous situations, but our stress hormones work best when they make a guest appearance and then retreat until they’re needed again. When stress becomes chronic, it can lead to impaired digestion, elevated blood sugar, sleep issues, weight gain and that tired but wired feeling.   


You’re moving the same, eating the same, but your weight is creeping up. Sound familiar? Food and exercise aren’t the only things that govern our metabolism – (lack of) sleep, inflammation, microbial imbalance and fluctuating hormones can all cause weight to creep on despite our best efforts.   


Constant cravings, energy crashes, mood swings and never really feeling satisfied are all signs that your blood sugar is out of whack. Whilst diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates are obvious causes of blood sugar imbalances, other factors like food intolerances,      


Bloating, excess flatulence, slower bowel movements, and general digestive discomfort can be markers of microbial imbalance, but there are also some systemic signs that your microbiome may be off, including impaired immunity, skin issues, food sensitivities and poor concentration. If your gut health has suddenly changed and you can’t pinpoint an obvious reason (like a change in nutrition, too much alcohol, chronic stress, lack of fibre etc) it’s important to get any red flag symptoms checked. Things you should never ignore include sudden and prolonged diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, feeling full without eating (or eating much), and prolonged nausea or vomiting.  


Feeling constantly tired or lacking energy may be a signal of a sluggish metabolism. A key pillar of metabolic efficiency is the health of our mitochondria, which are the powerhouses of our cells and convert nutrients into ATP (the energy currency of the body). When mitochondrial function is impaired energy production also suffers, which can lead to fatigue, sluggishness, lack of focus and more.  


The Common Culprits

Metabolic mayhem can manifest in various ways, but there are some common root causes that can lead to all of the above. So how can you tell what’s going on? Do the quick quiz below to see where your metabolism may be suffering. If you answer yes, give yourself 1 point to see if you need support under any of the categories. At the end, we’ve given you our top self-care, supplement, and nutrition tips to help you get back into balance.  



I’m constantly running from task to task  
I feel jittery, jumpy and on edge   
I’m tired but wired   
I can’t switch off   
I’m often bloated after I eat  
I have a short fuse   
I’m always anxious   
I have difficulty staying asleep   
I have a hard time recovering from illness   
I retain a lot of water (unrelated to PMS)  
I’ve gained/can’t lose belly fat   
My memory is poor   
I rely on caffeine to get through the day  
I’m not gaining muscle/seeing results in the gym   

SCORE: if you have scored more than 4, it’s time to get serious about your stress reduction.

Top Supplements: Advanced Multi-Nutrient + Essential Magnesium 

Top Nutrition Tips: Increase protein to 1.2g per kg body weight, with a large portion at breakfast to balance blood sugar, and focus on vegetables, whole fruit, whole-food grains and legumes. Remove excess dietary ‘stress’, like added sugar, ultra-processed foods and alcohol. 

Supportive Self Care: Implementing a stress reduction technique like mindfulness or breathwork can help reduce the negative impacts of stress and improve wellbeing. Other stress hygiene practices include reducing screen time in the evening, avoiding caffeine after 1pm, reducing late night light exposure, and taking periodic walking breaks in the day to deal with stress.



I get tired after meals   
I often get hangry   
I crave a lot of sugar   
My energy is unstable   
My appetite feels out of control   
I find it difficult to lose weight   
My mood + focus is poor   
I get frequent headaches   
I eat excess carbs or sugar at night  
My sleep is poor + I’m fatigued   

SCORE: If you scored more than 3, your blood sugar needs a little love.  Here are our top tips. 

Top Supplements: Metabolic Fix + Deep Detox 

Top Nutrition Tips: Similar to the above, increase protein to 1.2g per kg body weight, with a large portion at breakfast to balance blood sugar, and focus on vegetables, whole fruit, whole-food grains and legumes. Remove excess dietary added sugar and ultra processed foods and try to reduce snacking to encourage metabolic flexibility.  

Supportive Self Care: Lack of sleep can drive blood sugar swings and reduce insulin sensitivity – even with the best diet - so working on sleep quality is a surefire way to support appetite. Walking after meals can help improve postprandial rises in blood sugar, and managing chronic stress (as above) can help reduce emotional urges to eat.  



I struggle with gas, bloating and/or cramping   
I have IBS   
I have eczema   
I have acne/a lot of breakouts on my skin (unrelated to PMS)  
I get headaches or mood swings after meals   
I get a lot of aches + joint pains (and am unsure why)   
I am always congested  
I get sick often   
My mood + focus is poor  
I feel lethargic   
I crave sweet a lot, despite eating well 
I have been on antibiotics in the last year, or use antibiotics often 
I have brain fog  
I’m always fatigued even though I sleep enough   
I have trouble losing weight 
I eat a lot of ultra-processed foods 

SCORE: If you scored more than 4, your microbiome needs some love.     

Top Supplements: GI Cleanse + Biome Restore 

Top Nutrition: In addition to the principles above, ensure you’re getting multiple servings of fermented foods each week to deliver additional bacterial support. Include lots of herbs and spices, like ginger, turmeric, cumin, rosemary and oregano, and try to increase legumes (beans, lentils). If you find that legumes cause bloating, which can be common with microbial imbalance, reduce your serving sizes and add slowly, with no more than 1 tbsp per serving in the first week, 2 tbsp in the second week, and build from there.  

Supportive Self Care: Adjust your meal timing to allow for more digestive rest and less fermentation time in the gut. Leave at least 3 hours between meals and aim to extend the time between your last meal of the day and first meal of the following day to at least 12 hours, aiming for 14. If stress is a feature in your life, stress management techniques are also important, like mindful eating alongside a mindfulness practice like yoga, breathwork, meditation or journalling. 


For A Total Reset

Join The Chrono-Reset, which uses the science of Chrono-Nutrition to help you reset your metabolism, gut, and energy. Including 3 weeks of meal plans, a recipe book with over 65 recipes, a Chrono-Fast in week 2, and weekly live educational webinars and Q+A sessions with ARTAH Founder Rhian Stephenson and Head of Nutrition, April Morgan. This programme also includes on demand barre, yoga, and breathwork for a comprehensive reset to start the year off right. 



Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any medical or psychological conditions. The information is not intended as medical advice, nor should it replace the advice from a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Please do not stop, adjust, or modify your dose of any prescribed medications without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner. 

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