Need a Good Poop? Make This Breakfast on Repeat.

Need a Good Poop? Make This Breakfast on Repeat.

Functional foods are foods that deliver health benefits beyond their nutritional value. They’re rich in health-promoting compounds that can support microbial health, immunity, brain health and more, and because of this, we love including them as often as possible in our everyday diet; think ginger, turmeric, and kimchi as examples. If you're struggling to have that perfect poo in the mornings, there are a few functional foods in particular that can be used to help things along - enter our Pro-kinetic Mixed Seed Muesli, which features one of our favourite functional foods for gut health: flaxseed.  

Flaxseeds, also called linseeds, are incredibly rich in fibre, and they can absorb over 5 times their weight in water, forming a gel that can soften and bulk stool. Because of this, they have been used by naturopaths and holistic practitioners for decades as a home remedy for a sluggish bowl. This mixed seed muesli uses the power of flax with other functional foods that are rich in resistant starch, high in fibre, and full or prebiotics to help encourage a full and healthy bowel movement.  

If you suffer from IBS, start with small portions; adding too much fibre too quickly can exacerbate discomfort. It’s also important to drink lots of water when increasing fibre, so we recommend starting the day with 500 mls water before enjoying this breakfast.  


  • ¼ cup jumbo oats 
  • 1/3 cup whole flaxseeds 
  • ¼ cup raw sesame seeds 
  • ¼ cup raw sunflower seeds  
  • ½ cup raw cashews, chopped 
  • ¼ cup desiccated coconut  
  • ½-1 tbsp cinnamon, depending on how much you like  
  • 3 tbsp chia seeds 
  • 1 very large, sweet apple (like pink lady) grated  
  • 1 tsp fresh grated ginger – optional  


      Mix everything together in a glass mixing bowl, cover with filtered water, and stir well. You’ll want to use at least 2 cups of water and probably more; just gauge it as you go. The water should cover the mixture by about 1 cm. Cover and put in the fridge overnight.  

      In the morning, spoon some of the mixture into a bowl. If it’s dry, loosen it with some more water or a little unsweetened plant milk, like almond, cashew, or hemp. Top with some chopped walnuts and fresh berries and enjoy.  To add even more gut-loving foods, you can also top with kefir, live natural yoghurt, or plant based yoghurt with live cultures. 

      If you’re looking for extra gut support, shop our gut heroes:

        1. G.I. Fix - with Triphala, Slippery Elm, Ginger and live bacterial strains to support healthy movement. 
        2. G.I. Cleanse - with Berberine, Clove, Black Walnut, and Capryllic Acid, to combat yeast and bacterial overgrowth. 
        3. Enhanced Synbiotic - for multi strain daily gut support, with added digestive enzymes. 



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