10 Detox Health Hacks To Kickstart Your Month

10 Detox Health Hacks To Kickstart Your Month

You made it through January, and now 2025 really begins. What better way to begin a fresh new month then by mobilising your body to feel better, with the help of a few of our favourite detoxification hacks. When it comes to toxins – which can come from pesticides, alcohol, environmental pollutants and heavy metals – our bodies already innately know what to do, but what we can do is help them along their way. Here are some of our favourite hacks to try now:

1. Aim to eat 1 cup of cruciferous veggies each day

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and watercress, are worth incorporating onto your plate each day because of their ability to promote liver detoxification. They contain two phytochemicals called sulforaphane and diindolylmethane that support different elements of the body’s detoxification process, while acting as antioxidants, supporting cellular health and reducing inflammation.

2. Try early time restricted eating

Studies have shown that after 12 hours of fasting, cellular regeneration begins, meaning that damaged cells get escorted out of the body. This improves our cellular health, and when that’s in good working order, all of the body’s systems work better – liver function and other detoxification processes included. To get the benefits of daily repair, try extending your overnight fast by bringing your dinner earlier and condensing your eating window (for example, from 9-6pm). If you can leave a 4 hour gap between dinner and bedtime - even better. This can help promote a deeper, more restorative sleep and better gut recovery.  

3. Try body brushing

A brisk body brush each morning before you shower can pay dividends for many aspects of your health. Not only does it work on a surface level to clear dead skin cells and clogged pores (which also helps the body successfully excrete toxins via sweat) but it also increases blood circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage. Starting at your toes on dry skin, use brisk strokes to brush up both legs towards the heart, and do the same on the arms. Tingling and/or an itchy feeling is normal – it’s an invigorating and effective way to start your day.

4. Use functional herbs

Herbs are your best friend – not only do they count towards your recommended 30 plants a week, but they are also phytochemical powerhouses that can do big things for our health. Take ginger, a root that’s been used for thousands of years in Eastern medicine – studies have shown that it’s a powerful antioxidant, contains polyphenols that combat inflammation, and helps promote gut motility. Try adding fresh ginger ro your daily regime, and for supplemental support, consider GI Fix, which contains a heft dose. 

5. Tumeric

Another plant in the ginger family – is also backed by plenty of science. It contains an active compound called curcumin, which is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti cancer and good for the brain, heart and overall health. Oregano is also a brilliant herb to incorporate into your food because it’s antifungal and kills bad bacteria. Add them into food or drink them in teas.

6. Activate your garlic

Have you tried activating your garlic yet? No? Well you’re actually missing out on some of its health benefits. Cutting, chopping or mincing each clove, and then leaving it for 10 minutes, allows the compound allicin  to emerge, and subsequently unlocks anti-inflammatory properties. Research has also found that allicin may help prevent bacterial infections, prevent cancer and lower cholesterol, while helping the body detoxify naturally.

7. Commit to breathwork

You might already know that breathwork can calm us down, but it’s also a great way to help promote detoxification. Inhaling deeply increases the amount of oxygen-rich blood in the body, which in turns helps flush out toxins. Long exhales through the mouth also help rid any stagnant CO2 in the lungs. Try and breathe consciously and deeply into your abdominals, letting the ribcage expand as you inhale, and lower as you exhale.

8. Eat cholagogues

Heard of cholagogues? A type of food that promotes the flow of bile from the liver, they include foods like raw beetroot, artichoke, bitter greens, apples, fennel, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric and celery. When our bile is flowing nicely, our digestion and the healthy elimination of waste or toxins also work well, cue a healthy detoxification process.

9. Put your legs up the wall

As well as dry body brushing, there are other manual ways to stimulate lymphatic drainage. Massage aside, a quick home hack is to lie on the floor with your legs up the wall for 10 minutes or so – it helps to boost lymphatic and venous circulation, while reducing any ankle swelling. Going for a walk or doing some exercise are also other good ways to get the lymphatic system pumping.

10. Take Deep Detox

If in doubt, supplement. Our Deep Detox blends choline, n-acetyl cysteine, turmeric and milk thistle to enhance detoxification and immunity, support the liver, hormones and healthy blood sugar and generally boost your mood. They’re also brilliant at protecting the liver from damaging metabolites and toxins – two a day keeps the toxins at bay.



Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any medical or psychological conditions. The information is not intended as medical advice, nor should it replace the advice from a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Please do not stop, adjust, or modify your dose of any prescribed medications without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner.

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